The construction job site safety audit can be a critical tool for keeping your projects on time and under budget. Ongoing attention to safety and loss control is the ounce of prevention that’s worth a pound of cure.
On a regular basis, identifying and then correcting or removing work site hazards, a job site safety audit efficiently minimizes accidents and injuries.
Here are nine relatively common safety issues that are revealed by a regular construction job site safety audit:
- Excessive trench depth increases collapse hazard
- Work must only proceed where collapse protection is in place
- Collapse protection can be accomplished with proper sloping.
Gas cans must be clearly labeled as to contents and hazards.
Rigging Slings
Rigging must be taken out of service when heavily damaged or when wear detectors are visible.
Stairs need to be properly constructed with consistent rise and run, secured treads, and stair rails in place.
Office Trailers
Unused access and entrance doors must be physically blocked from use to avoid falls.
Loading Platforms
Railings, to prevent falls, must have mid and top rails in place. Under certain conditions chains can be used.
Flammable Liquid Storage
A Flammable Storage Cabinet must be installed and used in any building or trailer where over 25 gallons of flammable liquids are stored.
Fire Extinguishers
Storage trailers containing flammable or combustible materials must have fire extinguishers within 50 foot proximity.
Damaged ladders or ladder sections must be tagged “Do Not Use” until removed from the job site and destroyed.
With hazards identified on a timely basis, many can be taken care of right away while others may require scheduling. Either way business interruption can be kept to a minimum.