The Safe Pass Training Certificate on Irish Construction Sites

In order to work in construction activities in Ireland, it is necessary to complete an Occupational Health and Safety Construction Induction course called Safe Pass training. On completion, the participant will receive a construction site Safe Pass card as proof of having undergone the training.

This certification serves the purpose of promoting safety education, when working in and around construction sites and it is recognized through out the country. The Safe Pass card allows workers to perform services all over Ireland without having to repeat the program and carry a separate card for the different counties.

Safe Pass Construction training is a process, required under the law, which trains those working in construction in the fundamental principles of construction safety. The object of the course is to attempt to prevent serious construction accidents whenever possible. This is why these inductions may also be known as Construction Safety Training. The Safe Pass one-day safety awareness programme is operated by SOLAS and is proof that a person working in the residential and general construction sectors have undertaken the proper risk management training that is consistent with the Code of Practice for Construction Work.

Whatever name is used for the actual training or the proof of certification document, the reason behind the required training program is the same: to be sure that all those involved are adequately educated in basic construction safety principles. This includes those in charge of any work performed, as well as those employees carrying out the work. Craft Workers, Apprentices, General Construction Workers, Working Charge-hands, On-site Security Workers, Contractors Drivers On-site, Delivery Drivers On-site e.g. concrete trucks etc, Students on Placement on site, Project managers, general contractors, subcontractors, employers and those who are self employed must all have the proper certification.

In fact, there are only a few who are exempt from being certified. These would generally be visitors on a construction site, but are allowed only when they are accompanied by a qualifying person that has acquired a proper Safe Pass Card. Other exception would be but not limited to Delivery Drivers Not On-site (e.g. delivering to compounds, canteens,offices), Supervised Visitors, Canteen Staff, Archaeologists, Site Office Staff, Sales Representatives, Architects, Surveyors, Engineers.

Except for these specific roles outlined above all visitors to an Irish construction site are required to complete the course before they commence construction work. Citation notices may be issued to those who are without the proper certifications and they will be removed from workplaces.

The Safe Pass Training is certified by SOLAS and conducted by approved independent providers. The actual training itself is very comprehensive, but is typically condensed into a one day program. All participants will be required to complete an assessment at the end of their program in order to demonstrate their competency and understanding of the course material covered.

Some of the topics covered will include Hazard Identification, Incident Reporting, Material Safety Data Sheets and Risk Management. Some of the other subjects are Emergency Procedures, Fire Fighting Equipment and High Risk Construction Activities.

So proof of induction is mandatory and ensures that workers do not undertake construction work without completing the training.

Safe Pass Training can be performed by us For a list of upcoming date and location simply visit our website. Booking is easy.